Place born
Organisation / Person
1824-1884, geologist, brass-founder, English, British

Tylor, Alfred

1824 - 1884

1819-1890, inventor who developed the typewriter, American

Sholes, Christopher Latham

1819 - 1890

1738-1809, bookseller, British

Johnson, Joseph

1738 - 1809

c. 1830-1913, dermatologist, French?

Zambaco Pacha, Demetrius Alexandre

1830 - 1913

1826-1901, electrical engineer; inventor, Belgian

Gramme, Zénobe

1826 - 1901

1747-1821, landscape painter; diarist, English; British

Farington, Joseph

1747 - 1821

1859-1906, physicist, French

Curie, Pierre

1859 - 1906

1896-1935, manufacturer of automobiles, France

Automobiles Darracq S.A.

1896 - 1935

1874-1958, aviator; aircraft manufacturer, born Paris; British; French

Farman, Henri

1874 - 1958

1870-1958, artist, English; British

Elwell, Frederick William

1870 - 1958

1862-1940, inventor of a petrol vehicle, British

Butler, Edward

1862 - 1940

1819-1905, Baron Lambermont, statesman, Belgian

Lambermont, Auguste

1819 - 1905

1826-1903, artist; photographer, British

Ruff, George

1826 - 1903

1809-1882, railway company director, MP, British

Leeman, George

1809 - 1882

1900-1995, manufacturer of earthenware; manufacturer of majolica, Stoke on Trent, England

Grimwades Limited

1900 - 1995

1897-1935, railway company, West Sussex

West Sussex Railway

1897 - 1965

1853-1930, stockbroker; amateur photographer, British

Job, Charles

1853 - 1930

1516-1558, queen; monarch of England and Ireland, reigned 1533-1558

Mary I

1516 - 1558

1821-1885, astronomer; astrophysicist; optical instrument maker, Polish

Prazmowski, Adam Jozef Ignacy

1821 - 1885

1799-1868, botanist, Scottish; British

Arnott, George Arnott Walker

1799 - 1868

bap. 1817-1876, sculptor, English; British

Noble, Matthew N

1817 - 1876

1883-1935, artist, poster artist, sculptor, graphic designer, illustrator, cartoonist, British

Watts, Arthur George

1883 - 1935

1769-1823, aeronaut; parachutist , French

Garnerin, Andre Jacques

1769 - 1823

1893-1938, artist; medallist, German

Glöckler, Oskar

1893 - 1938

1531-1595, Grand Master of the Knights of the Order of St John (1581-95), French

Verdala, Cardinal Hugo Loubenx de

1531 - 1595

1809-1885, pathologist; anatomist, German

Henle, Friedrich Gustav Jacob

1809 - 1885

1907-1976, active 1930s-1960s?, cartoonist; architect; poster artist; writer, British; born in Burma


1907 - 1976

1575-1660, mathematician, English

Oughtred, William

1575 - 1660

1786-1862, medallist, Belgian

De Hondt, François

1786 - 1862

1817-1911, botanist, British

Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton

1817 - 1911

1875-1969, meteorological, aviation & surveying instrument manufacturer, London, England

Short and Mason Limited

1875 - 1969

1882-1956, printer, ephemerist, and classical scholar, British

Johnson, John de Monins

1882 - 1956

1865-1951, physician; surgeon; inventor of type of mask to administer anaesthetic, British

Cheatle, Sir George Lenthal

1865 - 1951

1868-1949, photographer, French-born, German

Meyer, Adolph de

1868 - 1949

1833-1918, brewer, businessman and inventor, English; British

Lovibond, Joseph William

1833 - 1918

1810-1900, armaments manufacturer; industrialist, British

Armstrong, Baron Armstrong, William George

1810 - 1900

1879-1960, poster artist; painter; artist


1879 - 1960

1778-1865, lecturer in science and astronomy, British

Walker, Deane Franklin

1778 - 1865

1747-1823, watchmaker; horologist, Swiss; French

Bréguet, Abraham-Louis

1747 - 1823

1845-1902, carriage and wagon manufacturer, Saltley, Birmingham

Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited

1845 - 1902

1683-1744, natural philosopher; engineer, French born, active England

Desaguliers, John Theophilus

1683 - 1744

1882-1970, mechanical engineer, New Zealander; active Britain

Bulleid, Oliver Vaughan Snell

1882 - 1970

1828-1901, surgeon, Austrian-born; German

Junker, Ferdinand Ethelbert

1828 - 1901

1823-1877, engineer; manufacturer, German

Schäffer, Bernhard

1823 - 1877

1835-1955, opticians, optics and photographic and camera maker, Birmingham

J Lancaster and Son

1835 - 1955

1807-1873, naturalist; biologist; palaeontologist; glaciologist; geologist, Swiss-born; American

Agassiz, Louis

1807 - 1873

active 1790-1815, printmaker, British

Godby, James

1790 - 1815

1832-1901, botanist; geologist; mineralogist; arctic explorer, Finnish

Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik

1832 - 1901

1873-1920, chemist, German

Dolezalek, Friedrich

1873 - 1920

1907-1972, components manufacturer, Warwick

Eagle Engineering Co

1907 - 1972